
 LightMachinery is dedicated to producing the world's finest lasers, optical components and spectrometers.

The people at LightMachinery are veterans of the laser and optics world. Each individual typically brings more than 20 years of experience in the areas of optical design, high power lasers, optical fabrication, laser systems, metrology, thin film coatings and custom machinery fabrication. We have produced components and equipment for customers throughout the world involved in space science, telecommunications, semiconductor, high power lasers, academic research, nondestructive testing, biophotonics, electronics, pharmaceutical manufacturing and materials processing.


The founders of LightMachinery have worked together for almost their entire careers. Many of the people at LightMachinery started out at Lumonics in Kanata, Ontario designing and manufacturing high power CO2 and excimer laser systems. Another group of our team comes from a company originally known as Interoptics, founded by Jeff Wimperis, one of the founders of LightMachinery. Interoptics was later purchased by Lumonics and renamed WavePrecision. WavePrecision was a renowned optical components manufacturer that was a key supplier to GSI Lumonics and JDS Uniphase as well as a key contributor to scientific and aerospace projects. In 2009 LightMachinery acquired the pulsed gas laser product lines of GSI Lumonics.  LightMachinery's new facility provides an excellent infrastructure that allows our team to focus on innovative process development. Our in-house designed business management system was acclaimed by our ISO auditors as the "the best system they had ever seen" and became the template for a revolutionary cloud computing system called OfficeBooks.