Our Partners
After over quarter century of continuous growth and product innovation, Park has the longest history of AFM business in the industry.
more detailsSOL instruments Ltd. is an innovation-focused Belarusian manufacturer of technologically advanced instruments for light measuring, elemental аnalysis and nano-scale micrоscopy.
more detailsEllipso Technology - the world's leading manufacturer of Optic-based Thin Film Analysis Instrument.
more detailsExtraSolution, instruments for measuring the permeability of different gases through films, bags, small containers used in food or pharmaceutical packaging and other objects such as bottles, caps and taps used in beverage industries.
more detailsOur business spans mobile spectroscopy solutions including a full line of portable Raman and handheld Raman systems, building block spectrometer and laser components for system integrators, and customized solutions for targeted application needs.
more detailsELAS Ltd. is Lithuanian designer and manufacturer of laser micromachining systems for industrial and scientific applications.
more detailsWe, REXO Engineering, have specialized in high pressure and temperature technology. The perfect control for the perfect system and the perfect safety for the best experiment are what we are doing.
more detailsPorometer NV was founded in 2007 in Belgium with the purpose of bringing better porometers to the market than currently available.
more detailsNanoscope Systems, Inc. is a developer and manufacturer of a confocal laser scanning microscope.
more detailsApex is a specialized scientific research equipments, supply and services company for various tests and measurements in the field of nano and thin-film, coating and characterisation.
more detailsIn January 2010 Convergence Industry was founded as a spin-off company from Twente University in The Netherlands.
more detailsGINTRONIC AG has 25 years experience in developing special instruments, lab instruments and automatisation.
more detailsSOLAR for 27 years is a domestic innovative developer and the producer of equipment for clinic diagnostic laboratories of medical institutions, research and production laboratories of different fields of science, equipment, industrial and agricultural production, such as chemistry, biology, ecology, veterinary science, agrochemistry, criminalistics and forensic medicine, energetics, etc.
more detailsDAEIL SYSTEMS has been supplying optical tables and advanced vibration isolation systems to industries, research institutes and universities.
more detailsE-Spin Nanotech Pvt. Ltd. is a leading high-tech enterprise for manufacturing high quality and cost-effective multi-functional nanofibers to address the unmet basic needs of the society.
more detailsCompany devoted the first few years to develop and test a whole family of fast, nondestructive, electrical characterization tools under production conditions, measuring parameters like minority carrier lifetime, photoconductivity and resistivity.
more detailsCompany build machines and offer support in the Field of Sample preparation for X-Ray fluorescence analysis.
more detailsRocker Scientific Co., Ltd. provides a variety of professional vacuum filtration solutions for laboratory and industrial customers in the fields of food, water, micro-organisms testing, molecular biology lab and purification.
more detailsSeron Technologies Inc. is specialized in electron beam and optic designed technology and developed various E-beam equipment.
more detailsNOST is a South Korean company that develops and optimizes solutions for Raman and Plasmagon Resonance Spectroscopy (LSPR).
more detailsIlshin Autoclave was founded in 1993 as a specialized high pressure / high temperature field equipment company.
more detailsTEXTEST Instruments produces in Switzerland testing instruments for all sectors of the textile, paper, leather and plastic industries.
more detailsCompany designing and producing compact, diode-pumped, air-cooled (and water-free!), passively or actively Q-switched, diode-pumped, solid-state lasers and accessories for them (harmonics generators, OPOs, Raman shifters, attenuators, energy monitors, fiber couplers etc.).
more detailsSince the establishment in 1994, has been researching and conducting 'localization of ultrafine powder machine', exporting to USA, Japan, China and Taiwan.
more detailsNEXTRON is engaged in the production of high-tech research equipment, including micro-vacuum probe control units.
more detailsThe company is engaged in the design, manufacture, commissioning and maintenance of vacuum equipment after sales.
more detailsNanoNC Co., Ltd. Is a company specializing in the production of electrospinning / electrospray systems.
more detailsThe company is known as a manufacturer of photoconductive detectors and terahertz emitters.
more detailsMicrotracBEL is a leading company that develops, manufactures and sells various gas and vapor adsorption amounts, BET surface area and pore size distribution measuring instruments for porous and non-porous materials using gas adsorption technology.
more detailsModuenc specializes in laboratory, pilot fusion reactors, reactor temperature control units (TCU).
more detailsSpinlock develops technology and prototypes of Magnetic Resonance equipment for different industrial applications.
more detailsCPT Inc specializes in the production of experimental installations for temperature control, stability, homogeneity of physical and chemical experimental equipment...
more detailsORCA Science is developing the state-of-the art illumination system based on the DLP and UV LEDs and providing the photonics solutions for the research field like BioScience, Physics and Chemistry etc.
more detailsJUNGHYUN PLANT is engaged in the production and design of equipment for the pharmaceutical, bio-industry, fine chemical, chemical and petrochemical industries.
more detailsDXG Specializes in High-precision Optical Analysis Systems for Research and Industry, as well as Plant-based Flue Gas Analyzers & CEMS.
more detailsPorotec offers a broad range of innovative scientific instruments for the characterisation of particles and porous materials, which satisfy the highest demands in science as well as industrial standards for quality control.
more detailsInnovations in the field of new film technologies, production of unique vacuum equipment, ion sources, sputtering techniques and relative software is the principal activity of the company.
more detailsNeoplus develops and produces testers to measure the properties of machinery of all materials and industrial equipment.
more detailsHantech manufactures and imports experimental equipment required for the research and development of various materials (powders, ceramics, pastes).
more detailsFreiberg Instruments is now one of the world's fastest growing, young and dynamic analytical instrumentation companies with products covering a broad spectrum of applications in fields/industries like Semiconductor, Microelectronics, Photovoltaic, Dosimetry, Medical Research, Luminescence Dating, X-ray diffraction and Material Research.
more detailsIn 1970 Kyoto, Japan-based GTR Tec Corporation (then a division of Yanagimoto Seisakusho Co) ushered in a new age in the field of permeability analysis.
more detailsDesigning, manufacturing and selling Lapidary machines and cutting machines or grining machines for from gemstones to brittle materials, and grinding and polishing machine of diamond tool and processing tools in Japan and to overseas.
more detailsConcentrating on these fields of agitators and friction and wear testing instruments, the company has built up a deep and large amount of trust in its foundation of technically very advanced products over its 56-year existence.
more detailsMFC (Mass Flow Controller), as a main product, is very essential for manufacture process on semiconductor so that the higher performance is requested day after day.
more detailsACCUSENSING is a professional sensor manufacturer with the abillity of research and development.
more detailsAcroMass Technology Inc. was established in 2010 to develop a unique mass spectrometer for wide mass range detection. It is a completely owned subsidiary company of Scientech Corporation.
more detailsProTrusTech (PTT) is a recognized leader in Raman spectroscopy based in Taiwan, providing state-of-the-art Raman systems to extensive range of applications.
more detailsCryLaS designs and manufactures diode-pumped solid-state laser, based on microchip-technology in the UV, VIS and IR spectral range for scientific and OEM-use with applications in biotechnology, analytics, imaging, sensor systems and micromachining.
more detailsThe primary area of interest of our company is production services of various electronic and photonics devices, and cable harnesses.
more detailsEdgeWave is a highly innovative provider of high-end laser beam sources. The Aachen- based company was the pioneer in the conception of InnoSlab technology and now leads the international field in this new area of technology.
more detailsTo help us achieve our vision, we leverage the synergy that comes from being a member of the JSR Group, led by the independent chemical company JSR Corporation.
more detailsASI manufactures high-pressure valves and components for the analytical chemistry market – especially in the area of liquid chromatography.
more detailseLas specialize in the development, manufacture and marketing of laser and photonics teaching systems.
more detailsMolecular Vista designs, develops, and provides tools that allow its customers to probe and understand matter at the molecular level through quantitative visualization.
more detailsOptola is a supplier and manufacturer of laser crystals, optics and lasers. Our products are used in laser systems in industrial, military technology, scientific research and aerospace applications worldwide.
more detailsPoreXpert Ltd was set up to disseminate of research into porous materials carried out at the University of Plymouth, UK. Its core activities are sales of the PoreXpert software, which is under constant development, and consultancy based on use of the software and expertise on the experimental measurements to generate data for the model.
more detailsDiodela produces Industrial laser systems for laser welding, cleaning and other photonics based material processing.
more detailsThe foundations for the LS Instruments technology and products were laid early on through research projects at the ETH Zurich and the University of Fribourg. The results are the patented technologies Echo DWS utilized in the DWS RheoLab and modulated 3D cross-correlation, available in the LS Spectrometer and NanoLab 3D.
more detailsDENKweit consists of the two German words: DENK and weit and is not just a name but a statement. We believe that everyone has creative potential.
more detailsJEIO TECH is pleased to introduce you our new line of laboratory and environmental testing equipment in this website.
more detailsLightMachinery is dedicated to producing the world's finest lasers, optical components and spectrometers.
more detailsInnovate to increase the potential of the image to embellish everyday life in the fields of health and well- being, digitization of heritage and other areas where imagery brings real added value.
more detailsCELLGENTEK is a company that conducts studies and invents to create the most optimal bioimaging instrument.
more detailsChunghwa Leading Photonics Tech (CLPT) features state-of-the-art wafer processing and package form factors for InGaAs-based photodetector design.
more detailsHigh-tech solutions for pico-second detection and surface analysis in nano-technology.
more detailsManufacturer of instruments for water analysis and solving other problems of ecology and environmental protection.
more detailsMirae ST Co., Ltd., since founded as Humantech Co., Ltd. in 1990, has been pioneering the localization of pure and ultra-pure water production equipment for laboratories.
more detailsCompany NanoMagnetics Instruments, founded in 1998, has gradually become one of the world's leading manufacturers of scanning probe microscopes (SPM) and measuring systems for various scientific and technological fields.
more detailsAczet is a leading manufacturer and supplier of complete solution for wide range of weighing, XRF and Laser applications with more than 2 decade experience. Our innovative products and high-quality services help customers around the globe to implement complex and quality-driven processes in their productions and laboratory environment in a time- and cost-efficient way.
more detailsThe company is engaged in the production of systems for air purification from odors and toxic gases.
more detailsNutech Analytical is India's first developer of microwave synthesis and high pressure processing systems.
more detailsDYNEMECH SYSTEMS was founded in the year 2000 with the aim of manufacturing superior quality vibration damping solutions for all modern machinery. Dynemech Systems today is one of the leading manufacturers of Anti-Vibration Mounts.
more detailsSXKYYC has become an important provider for isostatic pressing powder forming solution in China.
more detailsILAB offers an extensive range of innovative laboratory equipment, designed to meet the specific needs of research and development.
more detailsSOLAR LS is a recognized leader in production of laser equipment and spectral instrument in Belarus.
more detailsSuzhou Bellin Laser will become a leading company in the world in five years with core competence in technologies to provide high performance laser systems for various application markets.
more detailsWe have continuously researched and developed CO2 sensors and AWS to expand the market. Recently, we focus on creating IoT based smart farm system to become the leader in 4th industrial revolution era with the best quality product, service and dignity.
more detailsGBPl (Guangzhou Biaoji Packaging Equipment Co,ltd) is a professional manufacturer from China focused on developing and producing packaging material test instruments.
more detailsST1 CO., LTD. specializes in R&D, the production of regenerative medical devices and biotech products combining electrospinning, 3D bio-printing, and medical materials fabrication technologies.
more detailsGoojung EnT is a leading company specialized in developing and supplying scientific instruments.
more detailsHutem offers innovative solutions, specializing in equipment for the biopharmaceutical and semiconductor industries.
more detailsWe design and develop high precision liquid handling instruments for leading laboratories of the world.
more detailsBeijing RealLight Technology Co., Ltd. is a high technology enterprise specializing in research, development and manufacturing of fiber pigtailed semiconductor lasers, Sub-nanosecond Microchip lasers as well as related laser accessories.
more detailsThe DION company produces laboratory testing equipment, means for drying and disinfecting sports equipment and molds, and high-temperature industrial muffle furnaces.
more detailsUnopex has more than 20 years of experience in the design and manufacture instruments, devices, equipment and complete production lines based on heat and mass transfer technologies.
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