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Participation in the XXI International Symposium «Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics»

Промэнерголаб на выставке нанофизика и наноэлектроника выставка нанофизика и наноэлектроника

We took part in the XXI International Symposium «Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics», which was held from 13 to 16 March 2017 in the Avtomobilist sanatorium near Nizhny Novgorod.

The annual international symposium "Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics" continues the regular discussions, begun in 1997-1998, of topical problems in the physics of semiconductor nanostructures, X-ray optics and probe microscopy in the framework of annual workshops with the participation of all research groups actively working in this direction in Russia and with the involvement of scientists from abroad.

At the symposium, plenary, oral and poster sessions were organized in the following areas:

  • Superconducting nanosystems
  • Magnetic nanostructures
  • Semiconductor nanostructures: electronic, optical properties, methods of formation
  • Probe Microscopy: Atomic and Nanometer Scale Measurements and Technologies
  • Multilayer and crystal X-ray optics

At our stand were presented: laser systems; laser equipment for cutting, welding, marking and other materials processing technologies; atomic force microscopes Park Systems.